Get in shape by Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a practical, fun and creative way to get in shape. It has the benefit of being low-impact and highly efficient for weight loss and overall health. Jumping rope helps engage your entire body allowing you to burn serious calories while toning muscles.

Perks of Jumping Rope

1. Enjoy the versatility. This piece of workout equipment is cheap, portable and compact. It’ll fit in a small suitcase or a studio apartment, and you’ll probably spend less than $20.

2. Get a full-body workout. In one session, you can target your upper and lower body. You’ll also improve your cardiovascular fitness. Skipping rope strengthens many muscle groups in your legs, hands, and wrists, improving your performance in other sports and helping to protect you from injuries.

3. Increase your coordination. Enhance your fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. You’ll soon be able to do any physical activity better, and practising this kind of mental concentration also wards off boredom.

4. Burn more calories. According to the National Institute of Health, a typical adult can burn 750 calories or more per hour during moderately paced jumping. That’s more than almost any other activity, including jogging or bicycling!

Safety Precautions while getting in shape by Jumping Rope

1. Check with your GP. As a precaution, see your doctor before starting this high-intensity activity, especially if you’re over 45 or inactive for a while. Skipping rope may also need to be avoided in the early stages of injury until your joints are strong enough to handle the impact.

2. Monitor your heart rate. Understanding your target heart rate can burn fat more efficiently and avoid injuries. Your maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age from 220. Aim to stay at about 75 to 85 per cent of that figure for the most challenging phase of your workout.

3. Choose the correct rope for you. Look for a long enough rope to nearly reach your armpits when standing in the middle. Many beginners find beaded ropes easier to control, but plastic, leather and nylon are also good options.

4. Wear the right shoes. Get shoes that absorb shock. Aerobic or cross-training shoes with generous cushioning are ideal.

5. Stick to safe surfaces. Rubber mats and wood are better for absorbing impact than concrete or asphalt. Be cautious about skipping rope on carpets because your shoe could stick and cause an ankle injury.

Essential Techniques for Your Jump Rope Workout

1. Start slowly. Lots of people feel awkward at first. Try rehearsing the movements without a rope or focusing separately on your arms and feet until you’re ready to put it together.

2. Engage in interval training. Alternate between periods of intense jumping and gentler movements. Increase the intensity gradually as your capacity builds up. When you feel fatigued, try swinging the rope at your side while you keep your feet on the floor or march in place.

3. Warm up and cool down. Include a few minutes before and after every session to warm up and cool down to condition your heart and avoid dizziness. Finish up with static stretches to augment your flexibility.

4. Use good technique. The proper form protects your joints by lowering the impact level. Keep the rope close to your feet as you lift only about one to two inches off the floor. Allow just the balls of your feet to make contact with the floor. Elbows are kept close to your sides as you turn the rope with your wrists and forearms.

You can get in shape by jumping rope, a very effective exercise that works out your whole body. Check with your GP if you have any concerns, and be sure to master proper form to protect your joints and heart while you burn away calories. Please comment below. 🙂

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Get Off the Diet Roller Coaster: 6 Tips for Making Your Weight Loss Last

Are you tired of dieting only to regain weight once you “fall off the wagon”? You’re not alone! Hundreds of millions worldwide have found themselves on what has become known as the Diet Roller Coaster. But breaking the cycle of dieting and weight gain is possible. The key is to approach your weight loss differently, focusing on sustainable long-term changes instead of diet trends or habits that don’t last.

Losing weight isn’t easy, but keeping the weight off for the long haul can be even more challenging. Many of us get stuck on that endless roller coaster of yo-yo dieting. We go on a diet, lose some weight, go off our diet, and then gain all of the weight back, plus some. So how can you get off of this Diet Roller Coaster?

Here are 6 Tips for Making Your Weight Loss Last and Say goodbye to Diet Roller Coaster:

Taking these steps puts the power in your hands and allows for permanent, healthy changes for better health now and in the future.

1. Choose a diet for the long term. Many diets are very restrictive, and there’s no way you can stay on a diet like that for very long.

• Rather than restricting calories to some ridiculously small number, or eliminating entire food groups, choose a healthy eating plan that you’ll be able to stick to, even after reaching your target weight.

2. Keep exercising even after you reach your goal weight. Losing weight isn’t a race where you get to stop and rest once you cross the finish line. It’s an ongoing effort, and it’s vital that you continue to eat right and exercise so you don’t put the pounds back on.

3. Set a target range rather than a specific goal weight. Sticking to a specific number on the scale can take time and effort. Going above your goal weight can be discouraging, and you may lose the motivation to stick to a healthy diet and exercise program.

• Shooting for a target range also allows for naturally occurring weight fluctuations.

4. Having a support system can help you stay on track. If you can surround yourself with people that will help keep you motivated and accountable, it will be easier to maintain your weight loss.

• Enlist the help of friends, family members, coworkers, or even people on a social networking site. If you state your goals publicly, you’ll be more motivated to put forth the effort to reach them.

5. Give yourself permission to make mistakes from time to time. Sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise program is great, but sometimes you eat something unhealthy or miss a few days of exercise.

• If you overindulge in food or don’t work out, avoid letting that destroy your motivation. Keep yourself from going back to sitting on the couch and eating junk food.

• If you have a misstep, get back on track and start moving forward again. You’ll reach and maintain your weight loss goals by developing good habits.

6. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Rather than turning to high-calorie, prepackaged, processed foods when you need a snack, eat a piece of fruit or a bowl of vegetables. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals, are low in calories, and will fill you up.

If you’ve been a yo-yo dieter in the past, you know how losing weight and keeping it off can be extremely difficult. If you keep these tips in mind, you’ll discover an easier and more enjoyable experience than that Diet Roller Coaster!

Click here to watch a video on how to detox your body and lose belly fat.

Try implementing these tips. And be sure to comment below with your own sustainable weight loss tips! 🙂

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What is brown fat, and how it influences weight loss (brown fat activation)

Brown fat, or brown adipose tissue, is a type of fat that helps burn calories. The primary function of brown fat is to generate heat through thermogenesis, meaning it burns calories to produce heat. Brown fat has been shown to help with weight loss in studies; obese individuals who were given a drug that increased their brown fat lost an average of 5% of their body weight over the course of the study. If you’re looking to boost your weight loss efforts, consider exposing yourself to cold temperatures—this will activate your brown fat and help you burn more calories!

Below are few more things you should know about brown fat.

Brown fat helps burn calories.

One of the primary functions of brown fat is to help burn calories. Brown fat is packed with mitochondria, which are responsible for generating heat. When you expose yourself to cold temperatures, your body will activate your brown fat to keep you warm. This process of burning calories to generate heat is known as thermogenesis.

Brown fat can help you with weight loss.

Because brown fat helps burn calories, it can also help you lose weight. Studies have shown that people with more brown fat tend to be thinner than those with less brown fat. One study even found that obese individuals who were given a drug that increased their brown fat lost an average of 5% of their body weight over 12 weeks.

Brown fat can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. When you eat foods that contain carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, which then enters your bloodstream. In response to this rise in blood sugar, your pancreas releases insulin, which helps to move the glucose into your cells for energy or storage. If you are insulin resistant, this process does not work as efficiently and can lead to high blood sugar levels.

Brown fat can help reduce inflammation.

Inflammation is a natural process when your body is trying to heal from an injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can contribute to various health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Some studies have found that brown fat may help to reduce inflammation by increasing the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Brown fat may have other benefits.

In addition to the benefits listed above, brown fat may also have other benefits for health. For example, one study found that brown fat may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease by reducing the accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain. Additionally, brown fat has been shown to improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and preventing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Click here to discover why you may not be loosing weight

Brown fat is a great ally in the fight against weight gain. Not only does it help burn calories, but it also helps you lose weight. If you want to activate your brown fat and start burning more calories, try exposing yourself to cold temperatures. You can also try suplements that increases brown fat levels. Either way, consider adding brown fat to your weight loss arsenal. Have you tried activating your brown fat? How did it go? Let us know in the comments below!

The Great Shower Debate: Cold vs Hot Showers

There’s nothing better than waking up and having a warm shower on a winter’s day – but it does beg the question of what type of shower is best for you. Did you know that cold showers activate brown fat and increase metabolism? 

Naturally, hot showers feel much nicer and are very relaxing, but is a cold shower healthier?
Taking a cold shower might not be on your list of things to do today, but research shows some major reasons why you might want to try it. One of the reasons is how cold shower activates brown fat and increases metabolism.

Consider these reasons why cold showers might win the great shower debate:

1. Better for your skin. Cold showers are better for your skin in many ways.

● First off, think back to early humans. Coming across warm water was a very unlikely scenario for early humans and our skin and body have not been able to adapt to warm water as a benefit ever since.

● Not only do cold showers help to close pores and allow less dirt and grime to get into your skin, but it is also better for the natural softness and feel of the skin. This is because a warm shower can dry the skin, especially when used with traditional soaps.

2. Accelerate muscle repair. Just finished a tough workout and notice that your muscles are a tad stiff and sore? Cold showers can work in the same way as an ice bath to help limit inflammation in the muscle and speed up recovery.

3. Wake you up. Has anyone ever dumped a bucket of cold water on you? Probably quite the chill, but it woke you up, right?

● Cold showers can also help to put you to sleep. This is because your core body temperature will generally drop just before and during your sleep. Allowing your body to cool down with a cold shower before sleep can actually help you to fall asleep faster.

4. Can help with fat loss. Cold showers can help you lose both weight and fat. This is because cold showers help to encourage the use of brown fat and the direct loss of white fat throughout the day. Brown fat produces energy to heat you up from the cold shower, accelerating the metabolism.

5. Circulatory benefits. As your skin gets colder from the cold water, your body reduces blood in your skin and sends extra blood to your core to heat you back up again. This process reduces inflammation and circulates the blood in the deeper tissues and internal organs faster, also bringing them an oxygen boost.

Things To Keep In Mind

Taking a cold shower is not a quick fix for your health. Yes, cold showers can help to improve some aspects of your vitality, but it is somewhat limited. 

For instance, taking a cold shower would not be the best idea during times when you have the flu or other illnesses as stepping out of a cold shower might put a strain on your immune system that’s already fighting your cold or flu.

There are many benefits to taking cold showers, from increased metabolism to better circulation. However, it’s important to find what type of shower works best for you and your lifestyle. If a cold shower sounds like too much of a shock to your system, try starting with lukewarm water and gradually decreasing the temperature over time. Or if you’re looking for more immediate results, consider alternating between hot and cold water during your shower. Let us know in the comments below what type of shower you prefer and why!

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Top 5 Habits for Successful Weight Loss

Successful weight loss is a challenge we all face. In an ever-evolving modern world, it can be very difficult to find fresh food at a good price.
Fast food joints on every corner sell a burger for a dollar, but a head of broccoli can be two or three times that price. It’s an issue with our supply and demand, but it’s a challenge many people face when eating healthily. 
With varying opinions and decades of conflicting science showing that some diets work better than others, finding what’s right for you can be challenging.
With that in mind, the best method you can use to achieve greater weight loss is to influence balance whenever possible.
Using a balanced diet as our foundation for successful weight loss, let’s break down five of the most important habits you can integrate into your life to lose weight and keep it off. 

The 5 Habits

 There are way more than five habits for successful weight loss, and many people will find that by making one simple change to their life, they begin to lose weight.

With that said, these are the five most effective habits: 

1. Stay hydrated. This is one of the most overlooked components of weight loss. Our body is made up of at least 60% water, and hydration is important in muscle growth, circulation, and promoting healthy bowel function.

● Do your best to drink around 3 quarts of water daily. This daily water consumption will help your body remove toxins, flush out waste, and increase your potential for strength.

● Additionally, this habit can stave off food cravings too which increases your chances of successful Weight Loss.

2. Wake up earlier. This is one of the habits that would benefit all of us to aspire to. Waking up early will get your system into a natural circadian rhythm. It also promotes feeling tired enough at night to get to bed at an opportune time to allow you to get enough sleep.

● Waking up earlier could help you sleep better, feel more energized, and promote a healthier weight.

3. Eat more fibrous foods. The average British gets 3/5th of the recommended daily allowance of fibre. Not only is fibre essential in balancing your carbohydrate levels, but it is also a crucial element in weight loss.

● Decades of science have shown that fibre has unique properties that help to promote healthy bowel movements, which lead to greater weight management.

● Additionally, fibre has also been shown to limit inflammation and be a great tool for recycling cholesterol.

4. Limit trans fats and saturated fats. Although the debate is open to interpretation, lowering the amount of dietary fat you consume to 15-20% of your total calories will help many people to start losing weight.

● Why is this? Adapting your diet to a more balanced macronutrient scheme of 50/30/20 (50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat) will help your body handle the increased amount of exercise you will likely be committing to in your quest to lose weight.

5. Increase your daily energy expenditure. This is a fancy way of saying become more active. You don’t need to engage in really difficult workout sessions every day ‒ simply by being more active throughout the day, you will start to increase your energy expenditure and influence weight loss.

● Do the simple things, like parking further away at a grocery store or taking the stairs in the office. 


Successful Habits Instill Positive Lifestyle Behaviors

Your best bet at losing weight is to try out new things. Try eating fresher foods and see how your body responds. Try going for more walks and see if you start to lose weight.

 If you’re looking to find greater success in your weight loss journey, look no further than these five essential habits. By finding a way to implement them into your life, you’ll be on the path to sustainable and healthy shedding those unwanted pounds for good. What other methods have you found helpful in losing weight? 

Let us know in the comments below!

Eat More Fibre to Enhance the Quality of your Health and Lose Weight

You’ve probably heard that fibre is suitable for your colon, but you may not realize all the health benefits you get from these special carbohydrates. See how fibre can help you live a longer and more active life and learn easy ways to eat more of this vital nutrient.

Health Benefits of Fiber

1. Remember your colon. It really is true that fibre is good for your colon. A high-fibre diet is associated with lower rates of colon and gastrointestinal cancer. It also seems to provide significant protection from diverticulitis, a colon disorder that becomes more common after the age of 40.
2. Protect your heart. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, but many of the risk factors are preventable. Diet plays a significant role, so it’s one more good reason to start the day with whole-grain cereal for breakfast.
3. Lower your risk of diabetes. Similarly, your lifestyle choices can help to keep you free from Type 2 diabetes or enable you to control your condition better. In addition to a high-fibre diet, exercise regularly and follow your doctor’s recommendations concerning medication and other treatments.
4. Avoid constipation. Constipation can be unpleasant and often worsens as we grow old. Bran is a natural and safe way to stay regular. Sprinkle some flakes in your yoghurt or bake muffins.
5. Manage your weight. Many plant-based foods make it easy to get more nutrients with fewer calories. Plus, you feel full longer because they absorb water and allow you to consume generous portions without overdoing it.

Easy Ways to Eat More Fiber and loose weight

1. Calculate your minimum needs. One good rule of thumb is to get at least 14 grams of fibre for every 1,000 calories you eat. Most Americans currently consume only about 15 grams a day.
2. Work your way up gradually. If your body is used to processed foods, break it in gently. Add about 5 additional grams of fibre a day. At the same time, it’s good to drink more water because fibre absorbs water.
3. Dine on a wide variety of foods. Fibre comes in two categories: soluble and insoluble. Both have slightly different benefits that complement each other. The soluble kind partially dissolves in water and is found in foods like oatmeal and nuts. The insoluble kind comes from sources like whole wheat bread and brown rice.
4. Focus on foods rather than supplements. Try to get your fibre from whole foods. They provide micronutrients that supplements may lack.
5. Switch to whole grains. Aim to select whole grains for at least half the grains you eat each day. It’s even better to replace refined grains completely.
6. Make your main dishes vegetarian. Even if you still eat some meat products, you can plan your menus around vegetarian and vegan dishes more often. Cook a pot of three-bean chilli or red lentil soup.
7. Change the way you snack. Use snack time as an opportunity to get more fibre. Dip raw vegetables in hummus. Munch on a handful of almonds.
8. Sample ethnic dishes. If you grew up on steak and hamburgers, it might be challenging to develop a fibre-rich diet you can stick to. Check out the menus at Indian and Middle Eastern restaurants for new ideas on how to prepare balanced meals using plant-based foods alone.


Adding fibre to your diet has many health benefits and can help you live a longer, healthier life. Fibre helps improve digestion, prevents constipation, and can even help you lose weight. Try adding more fibre-rich foods to your diet and see how it affects your overall health. Do you have any tips for eating more fibre? Share them with us in the comments below!

There are also other ways to enhance your quality of health. Detoxing, for example. 

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